ICU Tube Fixation System

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The ICU TUBE FIXATION SYSTEM (ICU TFS) has been developed for the fixation of single or double lumen airway devices such as orotracheal tubes (OTT) and laryngeal masks (LM) or other devices (e.g. Combitube), after endotracheal or oesophageal placement, in order to reduce the risk of accidental extubation. ICU TFS is intended for this situations in individuals over the age of 8 years, for periods not exceeding 24 hours.

The ICU Tube Fixation System (ICU TFS) thus seeks to fulfil a need felt in Intensive Care Units, related to the fixation of the orotracheal tube (OTT) and gastric, nasogastric (NGT) or orogastric (OGT) tubes, traditionally held with tape or adhesive to the patient’s skin, by resolving, or at least mitigating, the following issues:
i. Displacement and accidental exit of the OTT (extubation);
ii. Accidental exit of the N/OGT;
iii. Traumatic injuries to the labial commissure;
iv. Involuntary sliding of the OTT, which is believed to increase the risk of pneumonias associated to the use of mechanical ventilators.

The ICU Tube Fixation System can also be used to fix orotracheal tubes, laryngeal masks or Combitube:
– in Operating Rooms and Surgery Blocks;
– in Out-of-Hospital care;
– Ambulances;

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